Monday, January 3, 2011

Stain was HELL and paint isn't going better.

I spent several hours yesterday sanding, masking, and eventually staining. Problem was that the edges took the stain too dark and went blotchy. I don't think that the sealer was completely removed from the sides and ruined it. On top of that, some of the stain was pulled into my image area and I will  now have to make it work with the image. The new plan is to paint the guitar black with a marbleized finish in metallic blue.

Today I sanded the wood AGAIN and re-masking my image area. I then started to spray the guitar in black. I applied three coats but I made the same classic mistakes I read about when painting the guitar. I have drip areas and the start of the "orange peel" surface. I'm letting it dry over night and will sand down the troubled areas. I will also add a few more coats of black before applying the metallic blue.

To marbleize the blue, I will spray a coat down and then apply clear wrap over it while its still wet. The wet paint will stick to the wrap and when I pull it up it will leave a marbleized look. I may then add more coats based on the appearance.

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